the oslo deviation | hilbert-space

[ the oslo deviation ]
2 mins.

The Lost Signals Collection is an archive of speculative texts, images, sounds, and moving pictures lost to history. It is interested in interrogating what might have been, and what might yet be and believes that the imagination is the most powerful human tool, and that it is now more important than ever that this tool be exercised.

THE OSLO DEVIATION: At dawn on March 24, 1950, the offices of the Central Council of Physical Recreation at Burnwood House were presented with a series of curious packages: 72 banded, wooden crates, laden with some 45 tons of radioactive snow


the oslo deviation

2 minutes

The Lost Signals Collection is an archive of speculative texts, images, sounds, and moving pictures lost to history. It is interested in interrogating what might have been, and what might yet be and believes that the imagination is the most powerful human tool, and that it is now more important than ever that this tool be exercised.

THE OSLO DEVIATION: At dawn on March 24, 1950, the offices of the Central Council of Physical Recreation at Burnwood House were presented with a series of curious packages: 72 banded, wooden crates, laden with some 45 tons of radioactive snow